
Berks Nature Protects 94-Acre Farm in Union Township

Another wonderful story of successful land preservation in the Schuylkill Highlands Conservation Landscape! Martha and Richard Coyle have achieved full protection of their 94-acre farm, which is of significant conservation value due to it’s location within the Hopewell Big Woods, the most important natural landscape in the region. Read the entire article below —

An Update on the Highlands Conservation Reauthorization Act of 2021

AMC, in partnership with Highlands Coalition member organizations, is spearheading an effort to reauthorize the Highlands Conservation Act through 2028 and to enact program changes that will double available funding for land protection projects in the Highlands program and increase the program’s flexibility moving forward. S.753 and H.R. 2793 are Senate and House bills that have been introduced in Congress to make these program changes and reauthorization a reality. It is critically important that these bills continue to progress through Congress to reach the President’s desk as soon as possible.