On Saturday, July 19th, a dozen hikers joined AMC and our friends from Wildlands and Friends of Johnston Estate to explore nature and history at the Johnston Estate.
We hope you will enjoy exploring the Pennsylvania Highlands website and delve deeply into the substantial conservation and trail-planning information that has been assembled into one place. The Pennsylvania Highlands Trail Network as envisioned is being co-located with many existing trails in the region, from the D&L Trail in the easternmost Highlands to the Mason Dixon Trail west of the Susquehanna River. The Pennsylvania Highlands Trail Network (PHTN) will link these trails and many more across the 13-county Pennsylvania Highlands region.
This past weekend, June 7th and 8th, AMC celebrated National Trails Day and Pennsylvania’s first Get Outdoors PA weekend along with our friends from DCNR, Delaware Canal State Park, Friends of the Delaware Canal, and L.L. Bean in parks in the eastern Pennsylvania Highlands.