Conservation Atlas Spotlight –
Pennsylvania Highlands Conservation Atlas Story Map Spotlight – Whiskey Springs Uplands
To access the full Story Map, click HERE.
The AMC Mid-Atlantic office has updated and expanded the 2006 PA Highlands Conservation Atlas into 12 interactive Story Maps which include updated conserved lands, conservation areas, and historic and recreational resources, such as the PA Highlands Trail.
This atlas was developed to build awareness about the importance of the Pennsylvania Highlands region by portraying the special places and resources found there. It is also a call for action to help protect this incredible and threatened region.
Conservation Area: Whiskey Springs Uplands (
Marking the northern end of South Mountain in Cumberland County is our tenth conservation area focus, the Whiskey Springs Uplands. Center Point Knob and White Rocks summits rise more than 1,000 feet in elevation and provide beautiful panoramic views across the Great Valley to the north.
Natural Resources: The Whiskey Springs Uplands conservation area is characterized by wooded slopes and high-quality streams that support many sensitive and important natural resources.

Camp Tuckahoe and White Rocks, identified by the Cumberland County Natural Areas Inventory as high-priority natural areas, are examples of these important resources. Camp Tuckahoe contains acidic seeps near the headwaters of the Dogwood Run and supports two plant species of concern – the rough-leaved aster and the netted chainfern. White Rocks natural area is an outstanding geologic feature in Pennsylvania consisting of a quartzite outcrop of the Antietam Formation dating from the Cambrian (540-490 million years ago).
Whiskey Springs Uplands conservation area also overlaps with a High Protection Priority area designated by the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program, Priorities for Climate Change Connectivity in Pennsylvania.
Historical/Cultural Resources: Many historic and cultural resources contribute to the bucolic setting of this conservation area. The Boiling Springs Historic District, the furnaces of the former Carlisle Iron Works that date back to the 1760’s, are some of the sites listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Recreational Resources: There are many opportunities to enjoy recreation within the Whiskey Springs Uplands. State Game Lands 305, the Appalachian Trail, and the Mason-Dixon Trail offer chances to get outdoors. The point at which the Appalachian Trail and the Mason-Dixon Trail meet, connects over 230 miles of hiking trails west of the Susquehanna River.
Interactive Map: Follow this link to explore the Whiskey Springs Uplands conservation area through an interactive map that shows climbing sites, critical treasures, fishing and boating access, park and recreation areas, cultural resources, Audubon Important Bird Areas, and more! Whiskey Springs Uplands (
Local Organizations: Follow the links below to learn more about some organizations in the region that focus on conservation and land protection.
Central Pennsylvania Conservancy