This interactive map of the Pennsylvania Highlands region was developed to provide a landscape view of protected open space and trails, as well as detailed information of each township and county. Viewing the data at this scale can assist with conservation and trail planning. It can also provide information on connectivity and gap areas. The tracking system was developed in 2012 with an update in May of 2016. From 2012 to 2020 over 42,000 acres of open space have been protected.
The protected open space is comprised of privately conserved lands through fee and easement, as well as publicly accessible open space such as federal, state, and municipal park lands. Lands protected since 2012 are highlighted. Trails included are regional multi-use, local hiking and pedestrian trails, as well as state designated water trails. Regional hiking trails are within a minimum of three municipalities. Local hiking and pedestrian trails are within one or two municipalities. Hiking trails may include sections located on roads or sidewalks. For information on additional paddling opportunities in the Pennsylvania Highlands, please visit our Water Resources Interactive Map.
Because the protection of open space and trail development are constantly evolving, the information on this website is a snapshot of the status of the acres of protected lands and miles of trails as of December 2020. Please make sure to check other sources for the most current information.